Design Reivew – Aesthetic Prototype: Jewelry Box



My vision for the project was is to build something elegant, simple and secure. Being a mechanical engineer I can’t bring myself to make something that is not useful so I would also like to have the jewelry box be useful in storing jewelry. I’d also like the jewelry box to be secure and have a secret compartment to hide some of the most expensive pieces.


I am building this jewelry box for my mom for mothers day. My mom does lots for me and I would love to be able to give her something meaningful for this holiday. A jewelry box is also something that one uses every day so I want my mom to be able to look at it every morning and think of me. A jewelry box is something that is not too difficult to get function so I will have lots of freedom to experiment with the aesthetics. This project will also allow me to continue to grow my knowledge of woodworking.


To vet different ideas and iterate on my ideas I created a CAD model so I could see the way that everything goes together. Experimenting with CAD models allows me to see how my final product is going to look as well as ensure that everything is going to fit together and work.


My main constraints for this project are Money, Time, and Skill. Originally I wanted to use a very elegant wood like mahogany but after looking at the prices I realized that this was not going to be possible because of how expensive it is. Time is something that is always a constraint but if I start my project early enough and dedicate a few hours a week this shouldn’t be a problem. My skill is something that is always a constraint but by seeking the help of others this can be overcome.

Road Ahead:

I first need to seek help from others; I would like to seek help on the aesthetics of my design, as well as on the possibility of actually manufacturing this. Once this is complete I can refine my CAD model, buy materials, and start to build!


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10 Comments. Leave new

  • I really like the idea, but you definitely need to work on your aesthetic. Talk to your mom and try to think about what shapes (round, hard edges, etc.), materials (metal, wood, tile, concrete, etc.), and colors (bright/dark, neutral/colourful, warm/cold, etc.) you see in your house. Also, think about what your mom likes specifically. These will help you determine an aesthetic.

    Traditionally, jewelry boxes are ornate and luxurious. The lacquered wood in the example you used in your presentation is a great example of this. Also, dark woods tend to be more expensive, hence a more luxurious feel. Some of them are covered in leather: that might be interesting and unique. Also, you might want to check out some ornate door handles — those could really improve the aesthetic of your project.

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    March 13, 2017 12:54 pm

    You’ve got some impressive CAD work done for this project. Adding compartments and a mirror would really be a useful addition. Look up different aesthetics you could achieve with wood. You’ll get a better idea.

  • Ridhvik Gopal
    March 13, 2017 12:53 pm

    Great Idea! Incorporating a secret compartment is an incredibly appealing to me. It is something every kid/adult wants to have. The design feels sleek and clean. The CAD renderings are great, and I like that you did your prototype entirely in a virtual platform. Good luck with choosing an aesthetic and I’m sure it’ll come out great!

  • Woodworking is an amazing skill to have. As far as wood goes, you can find small pieces of walnut at an affordable price on craigslist. You should really think more about the specific aesthetic you want to do create. Do a lot of research on different jewelry boxes and see which ones you like or dislike to help choose an aesthetic.

  • Cyron Completo
    March 13, 2017 12:53 pm

    Great CAD renders! While it would be a highly functional jewelry box with a Brutalist aesthetic, I suggest adding a rustic or vintage aesthetic considering how much you love the outdoors. The jewelry box would work well as-is, but adding an aesthetic would make it far more valuable to your mom.

  • Alexandra Rivas
    March 13, 2017 12:52 pm

    Your inspiration is awesome. the life skill of wood working is one I wish I had learned. Are you going to do any etching designs or anything like that or are you sticking with the solid mahogany look?

  • Emma Hammerton
    March 13, 2017 12:51 pm

    It seems like you’ve put quite a bit of thought into modeling the jewelry box. Try to focus on the aesthetics of your box, since you have a fairly clear idea of how you want it to behave functionally. It’s nice that you want to make something for your mom. Nice ideas.

  • Prezi was definitely more aesthetic than a powerpoint. Making a functional project is always a great idea to help motivate you to put a good amount of effort into the project. This is a great idea for a project because you’ll get to learn a lot about woodworking and have an awesome present for your mom.

  • Morgan Ulrich
    March 13, 2017 12:48 pm

    Your project has so much meaning tied into it, which will definitely make it worth while to work hard on. I’m confident that your skills (both CAD and woodworking) will not constrain you too much. Have you considered burning or etching some finer details into the wood? Sounds like you’re going to learn a lot of skills. Dope.

  • Siddharth Nigam
    March 13, 2017 12:48 pm

    It was great to see the CAD model in onshape. I also loved the prezi, a great shift from the regular powerpoint presentations. Also, it’s great that you are using this as an opportunity to build something for your mom!


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