AesDes goals

This semester I would like to to gain more experience taking a project from a initial idea to a fully executed design. This involves identifying project objectives, developing a realistic schedule, and staying on track  complete a project. At the end of the semester I would like to have a product that is refined enough to put in my project portfolio (and my house).

Additionally, I would like to explore some fabrication techniques that I haven’t had the chance to work with yet.  In particular, I’d like to gain more experience with CAD & CAM. Ideally, I would like to have enough design experience that when I design a mechanism in CAD, it works as expected when constructed. Similarly, I would like to design parts that can be manufactured efficiently with CAM by minimizing set-ups and avoiding the use of small cutting tools. I would also like to get some more practical experience generating g-code and actually manufacturing the part myself.

As for my dream job, I would like to start my career as a development engineer at a medical device company. For me, I think a development engineering position would be a good balance between the creative and technical aspects of engineering. I’m interested in aesthetics, human factors, and business aspects of product development. However, at the same time, I’d like to explore FEM and statistical techniques for quality as well. Ideally, I’d like to become the type of engineer that every med device company is looking for: someone with 5-10 years of experience with strong technical knowledge, an understanding of the clinical space and business model.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Anfal Abdulrahman
    February 20, 2016 2:09 pm

    Nick, given the fact your very precise and know what you want I have no doubt you will accomplish what you want. Your aspiration gave me an insight to a different path than mine, what you want to do is pretty awsome!

    Best of luck, can’t wit to see your final product.


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