Earthy Plant Wall Decoration

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking and thinking about what to make for my final project. A few different things have come to mind, but none of them have felt quite right. I thought of making a wooden chest to store board games, but I made a table for my upcycle project and this felt too similar. I even wrote a post about selecting a one-sided hammock stand for the final project, but I really haven’t been excited by the idea or inspired to get working on it. I decided to ditch these ideas and try to think of something that I could get really excited about. 


While my house if feeling pretty set on furniture, a lot of the walls are close to bare. I personally like more of a modern, open style of home decor, but it would be nice to put up some modest wall decorations to help complete the rooms. After doing a bit of research, I spotted this large wooden wheel used to hold house plants. I was immediately intrigued. I definitely do not have the biggest green thumb, but over the past year I have started adopting a few succulents to keep around my kitchen. I like the pop of green and the earthy, lively feel that small house plants bring to a room, but I’ve been struggling to find a good place to keep them. I really like the idea of making a home for my plants on my wall through a similar design to the wooden wheel I discovered.

I’m aiming for an earthy, organic aesthetic for my final project; I want my plant wheel to blend into my living space, while continuing to play on the earthy, natural feel of the plants. To achieve an earthy, organic aesthetic, I’m planning on mostly using wood as my building material. This aesthetic emphasizes plants and nature, with lots of greenery and contrasting browns. There are typically rougher finishes on manmade objects, compared to smoother, well-sanded surfaces. Items made with this aesthetic should look like they blend in to their surroundings to some extent, rather than standing out or taking away from the rest of the environment.


My home currently has somewhat of a modern aesthetic, consisting of a variety of coordinated wood shades, ranging from dark brown-black to mahogany to pine-beige, as well as touches of blue and green throughout. My goal is for the final product to follow these color schemes, implementing different wood shades for the base of the wheel, while providing pops of green through the different plants. I’m thinking of hanging the plant wheel over the table I made for my upcycle project, which is made of very similar materials, so hopefully it will end up looking nice and coordinated.

I’m feeling much more excited and inspired by my new final project idea. It’s time to break out my sketchbook and start sketching out some design ideas. I’m excited to see where my imagination takes me!



Plant Wheel:

Wall Plant Holders:–Addison-3-Piece-Steel-Wall-Planter-Set-CJ265926-L349-K~EHQ4294.html?refid=GX433573889668-EHQ4294&device=c&ptid=901415691249&network=g&targetid=pla-901415691249&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=73328737&fdid=1817&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi7yCBhDJARIsAMWFScPVys9Z2OGndxj7uTlFTwv3egeV1oMjV4A9ZXBfINilRPqjVmlrmfoaAglBEALw_wcB

Wooden Hammock Stand:

Plants on Table:

Wooden Chest:

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Stephen Chamot
    May 4, 2021 11:53 am

    I really like the project Idea and I liked your use of the word earthy. I thought that it was a good way of describing your aesthetic rather than just organic.

  • Hi Natalie,
    I think this is a great next step based on your previous project – adding more of a modern/minimalist aesthetic to go with your previous work will look great. Much like Ben, above, I’m curious to see how you can change the finished look of the wood, or where you’ll source older wood to work with. Either way, this should be great!

  • Hi Natalie,

    I think that this project idea is really fun and will add an interesting aspect to your house. Is the wheel itself going to spin so that you can water the higher up plants by rotating them to the bottom. Also you mentioned that you are going for a rougher finished wood look. Do you plan to do any weathering/aging of the wood, or are you going to look for older wood to build with?


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