Post 8: Top 5 specifications, top 5 constraints

DIY Glowing Picture Frame, Shadow Box Light, Light up Kids, Wife, Husband, Family Photos or Posters, 2.8MM Wide Led Strip ...

RGB Anatomy by Gary Grayson

Specifications and Constraints


1.  Art Frame:

I want a decently constructed frame with the interior lighting built-in. This means that I will probably be making this frame from scratch, this is the majority of my planning and also my first step that will inform the rest of the process.

2.  Art:

Actually fabricating the art using photoshop is a part of the process that I have already run testing on and am feeling more comfortable getting a product that will work for my purpose. Choosing the subject and executing is the next step.

3. Lights:

I’ve ordered RGB strips off of Amazon, and the width will be the minimum width of the external portion of the frame, setting these up gets to my first constraint.

4. Control:

The user interaction with the piece is the critical element to a great execution, thus the interface that you command the object with should be curated as well.

5. Aesthetic Appeal:

Obviously, I want this object to look professionally made and potentially gallery ready. Choosing a path that is executable is crucial. If I set my sights to high it may not all come together, but if I set them too low I would be left feeling as if I left something on the table.


1. Electricity:

This project requires power, managing that alongside the aesthetics and construction is a major factor for me. The lights that I got connect to a wall outlet, will I change the power supply, how do I accommodate that in my frame calculations ?

2. Construction:

Making a perfectly square frame is not an easy task, especially with all the other specifications going into it. Choosing the correct materials is next in that process.

3. Printing:

I’m actually working on printing things right now in another class in the Helio Lab at ATLAS, they have a large format printer that I am hoping to use. However, things often go wrong  so preparing contingencies should be in the plan.

4. Color:

Getting the colors exactly right to produce the desired effect is not easy either, I’m banking a little bit on the variable light settings on the LED strip to hone any issues. This feels dangerous though and getting the color setting perfect is a process complicated by printing and finding the best settings.

5. Ambient Light:

Ambient light is my arch nemesis in this situation, it will ruin the effect if too powerful. Therefore, I’m wavering on my frame design to be more like a shadow box, providing a bit more seclusion from whatever lighting situations it may find itself in.

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Top 5 Specifications, Top 5 Constraints
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Matthew Holleb : Top Specifications and Constraints for my final project

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Palmer Dick-Montez
    April 3, 2023 11:25 am

    Hi Chris, I think that your project sounds very interesting and am excited to see your updates on it! How do you plan to create the shadowbox effect that you mentioned to keep the ambient light out? I could see something like one way plexiglass being used to help minimize the amount of ambient light that leaks through. Do you have any specific plans or aesthetics from the frame that you are going to build? I look forward to seeing your progress updates in the future!


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