When brainstorming what I wanted to create for my upcycle project, my first step was to look around my house, and see what extra stuff I had laying around that I didn’t use anymore. I discovered that I have a lot of extra 35mm film stuffed in the back of my closet. Looking around the internet I found several interesting things that people use old film for such as making jewelry, blinds for your window, and using them as a canvas for paintings.

I decided to pursue creating a lamp out of my extra film. The lampshade itself we be made up of 35mm film. This allows the film to be illuminated, and the pictures to be on full display. This is a much better use for all my film, instead of it sitting in the back of my closet never being looked at. Below are some pictures that I am using for inspiration.


The lampshade is coming along nicely now, but is a little time consuming to make. I am very excited for the final product to be in use in my apartment!

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Awesome idea! This would make a really cool college item especially if the film has pictures of friends and college memories. I’m curious to see how well it turns out and how different your idea will turn out compared to the image you posted.

  • This looks like a simple but awesome project to do. It would make a nice conversation piece since each photo tells a different story. Based on your pictures, it may not be the best lamp as far as illuminating the room, but it would be suitable for some kind of chill lounge or something.

  • Liz, that is a great idea. I’m curious what is on the film. It could be interesting to make it a carousel (spinning) lamp so that they look like moving pictures. I look forward to seeing it once it is done.

  • This is a really neat idea! I imagine that you could use old slides (positives instead of negatives) too for a different effect.


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