This will get adjusted as time goes on. It’s always hard to predict how fast we’ll be going. Guest lectures will be inserted as soon as they are scheduled, and lecture content will move accordingly. Zoom recordings and lecture note links will go live within a day or so of the class.

Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Jan 15, no class In person in Fleming 33.  Simultaneous Zoom link is in Canvas; same link for the whole semester.

Topics: Welcome, syllabus, initial assignments (login, survey, Upcycle Project etc)

Please read the syllabus and initial assignments documents. Print if you want a hard copy.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Topic: Initial Assignments, Definition of art and aesthetics.

Zoom recording, AI summary, lecture notes


2 Jan 22

Topic: More art theory. Aesthetics Tour 1

Zoom recording, AI summary, lecture notes

Due: Syllabus agreement in Canvas

Topic: How to post.  Upcycle specs and resources.

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Blog Post 1 due: Aesthetic Exploration

Topics: Lab and Fab resources: Idea Forge by Rebecca Komarek and BTU lab by Zack Weaver. Shade and shadow intro.

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Due: CATME survey, Slack signup, AesDes.org login


Due every Sunday night: Blog critiques

Jan 29

Topics: Lab and Fab resources: ITLL (Rachael Sharpe). 2 point perspective sketching


Zoom recording, lecture notes AI summary

 Topics: Meet your team and pod. Team behaviors.

No Zoom recording, sorry. Yes, AI Summary, lecture notes

Blog Post 2: What is your Upcycling project aesthetic and why?

Topics:   20th Century Timeline intro.

Zoom recording Lecture notes, AI summary



Feb 5

Topics: sketching – intro to perspective and boxes, 20th Century Timeline. Gothic Revival movement.

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Topics: Team time. Rococo and Gothic Revival

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Post 3: Upcycle progress. What progress have you made on your Upcycle project? Show your plans. What does your fabrication schedule look like? What materials have you collected?

Topics: Arts and Crafts to Art Nouveau

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

5 Feb 12

Topics: Arts and Crafts to Art Nouveau, cube sketching errors

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Topics: Upcycle presentation logistics. International Style and Art Deco.

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

Blog Post 4: What is the opposite of your Upcycling project aesthetic? Sketch and describe what this would look like. How might you enact this with the overall function and materials that you already have, or have planned?

Topics: International Style to Organic Design. Critical Response Process.

Zoom recording, lecture notes, AI summary

6 Feb 19

Due: Upcycle project!

Upcycle Presentations to your pod. Meet in your pod facilitator’s Zoom room, posted in Slack. Attendance is required.

Upcycle Presentations to your pod. Meet in your pod facilitator’s Zoom room, posted in Slack. Attendance is required.

Post 5: Upcycle Design Report

Upcycle Presentations to your pod. Meet in your pod facilitator’s Zoom room, posted in Slack. Attendance is required.


Feb 26

Topics: Ideation – Brainstorming, linear techniques and intuitive techniques.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Topics:  More Ideation Techniques

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Post 6: Main Project plans and inspirations

Guest Lecture 1: Chelsea Young

Attendance required

Zoom recording,

8 March 4

Topics:  Streamlining, Mid Century Modern. Shade and shadow sketching.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Topics:   Design Preview specifications.  Pop Art. Radical Design to Post-Modern.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Post 7:  Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives. Sketch your project in two wildly different aesthetics than the one you are planning. What if….?


Topics: Magic Factor of 7 and Guest Lecture 2 Zack Weaver

Attendance required

Zoom recording, lecture notes


9 March 11

Topics: Universal Principles of Design (UPD): Contour Bias and Aesthetic-Useability Effect

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Design Preview Presentations (Day 1) to your pod. Attendance is required.
Design Preview SpecsPost 8: Design Preview Report
Topics: Guest lecture 3 Daniel BodensteinCANCELLED – snow day

Attendance required


Zoom recording, lecture notes

10 March 18

Design Preview Presentations (Day 2) to your pod. Meet in your pod facilitator’s Zoom room, posted in Slack. Attendance is required.

Design Preview Presentations (Day 3) to your pod. Meet in your pod facilitator’s Zoom room, posted in Slack. Attendance is required.


No post is due.

Topics: Aesthetics Game! You don’t want to miss this!

Lecture notes, no zoom recording

Zoom recording, lecture notes

11 March 25 Spring Break






12 April 1

Aesthetics Game recap. Universal Principles of Design: Supernormal stimuli. Sketching, ellipses

Zoom recording, lecture notes


Topics: UPD –  Black, white, red effects. Also sketching vertical and horizontal cylinders

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Post 9: Top 5 specifications, top 5 constraints.

What are the top 5 things you want your project to look like, to feel like, to do? What are the aspects that will tell you you’ve succeeded in your project? What are you prioritizing?

Next, what are the top 5 constraints you face? Time, money, skills, supplies, ideas, room to work? Which ones will be the toughest to deal with?


Topics: Color nomenclature, Pantone, vertical cylinder sketching.


Zoom recording, lecture notes

13 April 8

Topics: Geometric aesthetics

Zoom Recording, lecture notes

Topics: The Chair. Thonet, bentwood and flat-pack.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Post 10: Progress

Topic: The Chair – Bauhaus to Eames

Zoom recording, lecture notes

14 April 15

Topics: Eames to Post Modern

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Topic: Final report and presentation specs

Zoom recording, lecture notes

Post  None! Work on your project.

Guest Lecture, attendance required

Dan Bodenstein, industrial designer and ME alum.

Zoom recording, lecture notes

15 April 22

Topics:  design competitions

Zoom recording, lecture notes


Final Design Presentations to your pod.  Attendance is required.


Due: your project! Fabrication should be complete. Documentation only from here on out.

Post 11: Final Report Part 1 –  What

No class. Instead, go to the Mech E Senior Projects Design Expo. Analyze the project aesthetics you see. Use the Critical Response process to give feedback.
16 April 29

Final Design Presentations to your pod. Attendance is required.

Expo Needs survey due.

Last regular class meeting.

Final Design Presentations to your pod.  Attendance is required.

Post 12 : Final Report Part 2 – How

17 Final Exam Slot Weds May 8, 1:30 – 4 pm

AesDes Expo at the Idea Forge. Live showing of work. In person and zoom (for truly remote students).
Invite family and friends! Excellent snacks will be provided.

Final revisions and any late work due at noon.1:30 – 4 pm

Post 13: Portfolio



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