I enrolled in this class because I hoped to explore the intersection of art and engineering. Having to go through intense technical classes for four years can be frustrating, and it is very refreshing to be part of a course with a different format and focus. In the remaining months of the semester, I hope to gain a better understanding of this intersection, and also learn about unconventional engineering careers. I look forward to the rest of the guest speakers that are scheduled. With my project I hope to gain some new technical skills, but mostly I hope to push myself as a designer/artist. I do consider myself an artist outside of engineering. I do some things with photography and hope to find a new means of expression through this project.

As for what I want to do after graduation, I am not sure! This is a question that I do not really like answering. I don’t want to put limits on myself by choosing any type of career right after I graduate. Even though my formal education is coming to an end in May, I hope to keep exploring and learning new things.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Ryan Yankowsky
    February 22, 2016 5:40 pm

    Two things I couldn’t recommend more highly if you are into design, 1) Take a clay and sculpture class, I like many engineers cannot freehand draw to save my life but in clay can really produce great works. 2) Watch lots of movies, designs’ best forms and shapes always end up on screen and are usually highly stylized, I go through different genres and pick out so many design cues I would love to use.

  • I took this class for similar reasons. I was burnt out on the technical classes and missed being able to be creative and create things that looked good and I enjoyed creating. I also hope to use this class to explore the unconventional opportunities in engineering or even entering a field where design in priority but I can apply my engineering background to better an idea and look at a problem from a new perspective.


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