There has been quite a lot of progress to my project since I last posted on it. My LED light strand finally came in and it works great! The system I purchased has a wireless controller with over 20 color options which should provide a good interactive element to the project. I also found out that the controller comes with a few DIY color settings. I plan to look into this to see if I can program specialized color settings that fit the aesthetic of my project.

With respect to my aesthetic, the pattern of the arrow layout design has changed slightly. When I was playing around with the LEDs I discovered that they have to be cut in 3 light segments in order to easily be rewired. The problem with my previous design was that I had line segments that were either longer or shorter than a multiple of 3. I have thus redefine the pattern so that it has 11 segments of 12 LEDs. I arranged the arrows to now have a wave pattern that is offset on each row. (pictures to come on next blog update) For this design I am trying to be conscious of geometric aesthetics such as translational repetition and symmetry like we talked about in class.

Moving forward, my plan is to continue to prototype and test the sub-components of the project this week and over break. I think I might cutout a prototype of the base plate in foam-core to try and test the arrows and LEDs together before cutting the acrylic. Then after break my plan is to start bringing everything together.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • David Holliman
    May 1, 2016 12:48 pm

    From this description, I was unsure what your final project would look like but it turned out great! Its interesting to see how your design evolved from this stage to its end form. The use of arrow shafts and LEDs creates a very appealing effect. It seems to mellow out the intensity of the lights while creating a whole new texture to the ambiance. Perhaps add an arrow component such as the arrow-tip or feathered end in order to hint to the viewer what cool materials you selected!

  • Sounds like you are really getting a move on your project! You are clearly putting in a lot of thought in the layout. What exactly does does 11 segments of 12 LEDs mean/look like? I guess I will see when you post pictures in your next update!


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