As anticipated, because I was out of the state for the entire break up until today I was unable to do any work on the clock this past week.  However, since this was planned and anticipated at the start of the project, this does not set back the project.  The next step is to begin the process of wiring the clock to potentially run on battery power and still have the capability to react to the music and the LED remote as well as figuring out a way to increase the visibility of the clock when the mirror effect is not activated.  This is projected to be done by the next blog update on 6 April.  After that, it’s final touches to improve the small flaws as well as implementing the plan for improving the clock visibility.  Understanding that there could be a few setbacks, the final products is estimated to be completed at the absolute latest by 20 April.

In case you wanted to see the current state here is the video I posted last time!

The 20th Century design movements that have influenced my design would definitely be the 1909-1930 futurism fad of the modernism movement as well as the 1920-1980 international style.  Examples of each can be seen below.



International style
International style

The sleekness of the clock’s design definitely incorporates the international style and I plan to really play off that theme as I complete my final touches and details.  The futurism adds the time depth and relates back to my intentional theme and message that “time is infinite” and plays along well with the futurism theme.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Albert Como
    April 4, 2016 8:51 am

    That looks good. Are you going to put some kind of bezel around it? I think some kind of simple, curved bezel, possibly with multiple layers and asymmetrical mounting can help bring out more of the classic international style.

  • Sreyas Krishnan
    April 2, 2016 11:23 am

    I think last time, I commented saying you should try LEDs on the numbers to make them show up. Obviously, that won’t work like I imagined since the mirrors will reflect that light as well. However, Is it possible that those reflections could give the numbers depth the same way the reflections on the edges do? That might actually look really cool. The luminescent paint we discussed is a definite possibility though. Or perhaps you could just put number stickers on the outer surface?
    Almost there!


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