LED iPhone & Apple Watch charging dock progress Update


Sorry for the late update, last week was pretty busy… Last week I went to the ITLL machine shop and did the first stage of manufacturing my project. I cut a U-shape on the wood block and I made another wood block into a much thinner form. I also drilled a hole on the top piece so for placing the Apple Watch charger. Then I rounded the edges, polished both parts and glued them together using super glue. The next step is to cut all the holes for placing the wires and LEDs. I will update those shortly.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Daniel Rankin
    May 1, 2016 11:21 am

    Hey Shen- it’s cool for me to look at this project update now that I’ve seen your final project. Glad you found a project that works for you, rather than going the route with the rearview mirror.

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