Fortunately, I have already flushed out a good amount of the solidworks for this project. I must say that did take much longer than I expected so I can see how the rule of 7 applies!

After making my first prototype, I realized I would want me bear spray light smaller. The next step I have is to adjust this size in solidworks. After that, I hope to 3D print the object. If time permits, I will design the lighting circuitry and start to assemble that. Figure 1 below shows the tasks I still need to complete and how much allotted time I expect to spend on these.

Figure 1: Table of tasks and time allotments

Given this timeline, I know I have 71 hours worth of work left do to. The goal is to finish resizing this week and start 3D printing the beginning of next week. Knowing spots fill up, it may take longer to 3D print than expected so I am going to get on the solidworks as soon as possible.


1 Comment. Leave new

  • Ridhvik Gopal
    April 9, 2017 5:20 pm

    Your project requires a lot of skill and planning, something which you are clearly on top of. Kudos on the planning and I’m sure you’ll do a great job!


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