
I’ll try to collect all of the end-of-semester details here, in rough chronological order.


  1. Make a post for Monday 4/24 with your project name as the title. This will be a placeholder for your presentation video only, so your pod can comment on your presentation regardless of the state of your final blog posts or when you do your presentation. The only content here will be your video. Upload your presentation video to youtube or vimeo and put the link as the only content in the post, and make it a video type post. Then you’ll get a thumbnail with play button automatically when it’s published.

2) Do your in-class comments. You are expected to attend and contribute both verbal and online questions and comment on all days that your pod is presenting. Work with your pod regarding Sr Projects Expo conflicts etc. Pod locations:

Pod final  M 4/24 final W 4/26 Final F 4/28 Final M 5/1 Final W 5/3 Final F 5/5
A 11 1B breakout ECOT 317 ECOT 317 ECOT 317 ECOT 317 ECOT 317
B 11 2B breakout 2B breakout 2B breakout 2B breakout 2B breakout 2B breakout
E 12 ITLL 1B50 ITLL 1B50 ITLL 1B50 ITLL 1B50 ITLL 1B50 ITLL 1B50

3) Wednesday 4/26 blog post. Category: Main Project Report 2017 Part 1. What and How. Overall description and photos, then details of what you have made: all your sketches, CAD drawings, fabrication description, costs vs budget, acknowledgements of assistance etc.

4) Do your two in-depth, substantive comments by Sunday 4/30 on the Report Part 1 posts.

5) Submit music for the Expo playlist by Thursday 4/27 midnight. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-h6Ip9u6sqLNjFVb1ViVS0xSVE?usp=sharing.

6) Online FCQ before specified due date; Friday 4/28? Check your CU email.

7) Exit Survey. You will get an email with a Qualtrics link on Monday 4/30. You will have until Wednesday 5/10 5pm to complete. Please allow 1/2 hour for this; I’m looking for thoughtful responses. Yes, you’ll get participation points. You may want to save what you write for the 5/3 blog post.

8) Present at Expo 4/29 unless you have email confirmation from me of an alternative showing. You will need to stage your project. Bring lighting (a desk lamp?) and some sort of backdrop, maybe a trifold poster board. Display your project name and your name prominently. Test this at home first. Consider other information you want to provide; maybe plan a short Powerpoint for your laptop. Consider the aesthetic impact on a casual passerby. This is a design opportunity like any other. Bring a tablecloth or sheet, but some black tablecloths will be provided. Black gaffer’s tape will be available to attach backdrop to wall. Bring a box to put under for small projects.

9) Expo Schedule:  On Saturday, you need to be set up and registered (and get a name tag) by 8:45 AM. From 9 am to 9:45, those of you with odd numbered CU Student IDs will stay with your project and keep an eye on your neighbors’ projects, and the rest of you can browse the Expo. From 9:45 until the public arrives at 10:30, the even numbered folks will stay, and the rest of you can browse. From 10:30 to 12:30 everybody should stay with their projects and chat with the public. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family! At 12:30 we are required to do 10 minutes of cleanup, rearranging furniture.

10) Pose for official photo/video at Expo. I will have a mini-studio set up. They will be posted in the Media Library for you to use in your summary post etc.

11) Blog post Wednesday 5/3: Main Project Final Report Part 2: Why and What next? Reflection on the semester. Compare your original project intent to what you ended up with. How did the public react? What did you learn from your project, and from the class? What will you do next with the project? What do you wish you had done differently? (You can copy some of this to/from the Exit Survey)

12) Do your two in-depth, substantive comments by Sunday 5/7 on the Report Part 2 posts.

13) Summary Page due 5/10 midnight in lieu of a final exam. Instructions at https://www.aesdes.org/2017/04/20/end-of-semester-final-page-template/. This is just an arrangement of your previous work. Should only take an hour.

14) Make up work for posts and comments will be accepted until midnight Weds 5/10.

15) Edits. You will remain an author on the website until next fall. Feel free to revise and update your work. I suggest you add a link to your summary post to your résumé. If you find relevant stuff that you think the class would enjoy, feel free to make new posts under ‘Links’.

I am looking forward to seeing all of these amazing projects! I also understand that some of you have had unexpected challenges; that is part of that Magic Factor of 7 that can trip you up. In the end, for this course in particular, it’s the journey that counts. Many of you have learned new skills, and/or explored your creativity in new ways. You might have even learned something about design aesthetics. I hope you will focus on these aspects when reflecting on the course.

Warm regards

Prof. Hertzberg





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