
I chose to create a smart mirror because I believed it was something I could use. Everyone uses a mirror everyday so enabling myself to be able to check the time, weather, or commute time while simply looking in the mirror was fascinating to me. The fact that these mirrors aren’t commercially available also drove me to build one. Building something that you can’t buy is one of the biggest motivators for me to spend a lot of time and effort on a project. These mirror’s popularity are exponentially rising and I wanted to be part of the movement before they start to become available on the commercial market.

What Next

There are several improvements I’d like to make on the mirror. First I want to install a motion sensor so that the mirror can go to sleep when no one is home and then wake itself up as soon as someone is approaching to see information. I also want to work more on the software aspect of the mirror to really fine tune the modules that are running on it. Adding additional modules is also of great interest to me. There are over 160 third party modules already in existence and I was only able to explore a few of them during this project. Ultimately I plan on hanging this mirror in my living room so that it can be used every single day by anyone walking through my house.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • This is a really cool project. I’m surprised that this is not already available. It seems like an idea that tech companies would jump on, considering the growing interest in optimizing people’s homes. A motion sensor for it is a good idea. It seems like it would burning energy during the day while you are gone otherwise.

  • Alexandra Rivas
    May 3, 2017 12:29 pm

    This is really impressive! It is really convenient that there is so much open source code already. Do you have code experience/ would you have been able to code this by yourself? Congrats on staying under budget. It seems like there are endless possibilities and changes you can make with all the different modules, so thats awesome because you can constantly change it to update your needs and wants.


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