Skillset and Goals

I am primarily a graphic designer, having worked in Illustrator since I was in about fourth grade. I currently hold a part time job on campus doing graphic designer working in programs like Illustrator and Photoshop, but also do graphic design for the band I’m in, and the band a friend i knew high school is currently in at JMU called Gryzzle. One of my favorite, and most tested and refined abilites is drawing things using physical media and then using the programs the I use at work to “vectorize” or computerize these images

I am also a musician, like one could have inferred from the last paragraph, specializing in the bass guitar, but I am also skilled in the guitar and mandolin. I have also recorded two full albums for a and I was in during my sophomore to senior years in high school, and am very familiar with Logic Pro.

Aside from the arts, i also enjoy carpentry. In high school, and over breaks in college I have built various projects out of wood, including a cigar box guitar, a few pairs of shutters, and even some furniture. Some of the furniture I built is still in use, but much of it did not stand the test of time and use… However, many of my other projects were built with time and care and are still in perfectly working condition.

I’d consider myself a creative thinker and I enjoy expressing myself in various ways, from those listed, to cooking, drawing, painting, and writing some music, though I’m not very good at that yet. In the future, I would love to go into music marketing in some form, so that I can combine my passions for music and graphic design. One way or another, I want to be able toc ombine two of my passions instead of having to consider one a career and one a hobby.

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