My main hobby for connecting with my friends is playing tabletop role-playing games. This has been a big part of my life since i was a freshman in high school and has had a huge impact on the person I am today. For my main project I would like to put together a table for playing games like Dungeons and Dragons with dynamic lighting and map making capabilities. I want to incorporate sound and lighting design to help immerse players in the environment. As D&D has been getting more popular over recent years there are plenty of examples of these tables around the internet to draw inspiration from.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Are you the Patrick Ellison who wrote Shades of Divinity? And if so, do you have any idea where someone might find a copy?

  • Muhammad Waqar
    April 10, 2021 12:22 pm

    Wow! Amazing article. Your way of explanation is outstanding. I got by final year project idea by this and another article of this link

  • Bella Colosimo
    April 28, 2020 3:18 pm

    Patrick, I really like the idea for this table! Maybe you could incorporate D&D into the design to make it even more suited specifically for your kind of gaming. And it would also be one of a kind!

  • Patrick, these tables in the pictures look very cool. What aspects of them do you like? And what ones do you dislike? Are there any ideas that you want to incorporate into your table that you did not see in any others? I dont know much about tabletop role playing games, so what is important that the table have? I notice they both have a screen and kinda dip down in the middle. Is this key to the function of the game? What other things would you include that directly affect the function of the game?


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