Sharp, clean cut geometries. Bold, but coordinated colors. An open space, minimalist look. When thinking about a modern aesthetic, these concepts are what come to mind. 

Homes with this aesthetic are becoming more and more common. Consider the home featured below. All of the geometries are very simple with square, sharp edges, but there are features that jut out in unique ways, giving these homes a very clean, but original look. A variety of colors are featured ranging from whites to grays to browns, but all of these colors are coordinated; they compliment each other, while also providing a more dynamic view, accentuating some of the more jutting features. Mixing in different materials and textures provides another aspect of visual interest, enhancing the dynamic, unique aspects of the home. The building would appear much more plain without these added textures. This modern aesthetic incorporates elements of chic, high class, individualism, and minimalistic design concepts (

The modern aesthetic can also be applied to home decor. The interior design of a home with modern aesthetic tends to incorporate the same clean cut geometries as the exterior architecture, while creating a sense of dynamic and visual interest by using a variety of coordinated colors and textures. The placement of furniture tends to accentuate open spaces, and the use of accent rugs, decorative mirrors, and light colored furniture can make a room look bigger, making the space seem clean and minimalistic. The key to creating this modern aesthetic is to stay coordinated in colors, textures, and geometries throughout, while using each element in moderation. The beauty of this look is that dynamic elements are present throughout, but the space as a whole looks balanced and in unison. (

The modern aesthetic started to become present in the late 19th century. In terms of architecture, this style is heavily rooted from German and Scandinavian design. This aesthetic is linked to the period between 1920 and 1950, when people moved towards simple and unembellished looks, influenced by the machination occurring during that time.( During the industrial boom and increased demand for infrastructure in growing cities, buildings were built in simpler forms to reduce building costs and work time. ( Over time, the modern aesthetic of the 19th century has evolved to create early 20th century midcentury modern and postmodern styles. (

Architecture with this modern aesthetic really became possible due to the introduction of new materials and new building techniques, such as iron reinforced concrete, in the late 1800s. These materials and techniques allowed architects to move past the architecture common during those times and attempt new forms. The architectural theorist Eugene Viollet-le-Duc wrote the book Entretiens our L’Architecture in 1872, which convinced many architects in that time period to take advantage of the new building technologies that were available, pushing architects to break design norms and use techniques which contributed to the development of modern architecture. Additional architects who were early adopters of this modern architecture included Victor Horta, Antoni Gaudi, and Louis Sullivan. (

The modern aesthetic emphasizes function over form, ensuring that every component has a purpose. This aesthetic allows for versatility, allowing for unique individuality while remaining a coordinated unit. Modern architecture and home decor, with their minimalistic emphasis, provide a great sense of calm, peace, and harmony, while instilling dynamic and eye-catching features throughout. Can you imagine a better aesthetic to live in?

5 Comments. Leave new

  • this shite is ugly sorry las

  • […] such as yellow, lime green, and bright red are perfect for creating a bold, modern aesthetic. These shades can be incorporated through an accent wall, wallpapered wall, or as small pops of […]

  • Amanda Tetrault
    April 16, 2021 7:31 pm

    Natalie, I appreciate the depth you went to explain the modern design. Most of us know some about this design but you have given me much more understanding. One of my favorite aspects is dynamic visuals that draw your eye to a desired focal point. I think this is a powerful tool designer can implement throughout their designs. The living room picture you provided really illustrated this concept for me. The lamp’s arching base immediately drew my focus to the squares of the couch and the circle mirror and table softened the harsh lines. The clean lines and the incorporation of different materials formally used for outside bring a unique yet cohesive visual within the house. These materials may be cheaper so they allow the designer more options throughout the entire house design.

  • I personally think that modern design, especially in homes decoration, and architecture, are really interesting and aesthetically pleasing to look at. I also think that you did a great job in explaining why modern design works so well, and gave a lot of great examples. I’d be interested to see modern design outside the field of home decoration.

    • Natalie Jagelski
      February 2, 2021 1:34 pm

      I really like the look and feel of modern design in terms of architecture and interior decorating. Outside of that, the modern aesthetic is a very popular aesthetic for art and sculptures nowadays. Paintings with this aesthetic follow many of the same principals as I discussed previously. I lot of the art is abstract and focusses on geometric shapes, rather than creating a scene. The use of varying, but coordinated colors is also common. Sculptures of this style are very geometrically oriented as well, typically incorporating features that allude to openness and spaciousness. These sculptures tend to be made out of very natural materials, like wood, metal, and stone. Here are two links to paintings and sculptures, respectively, that depict the modern aesthetic quite well.


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