This project has been pretty challenging in getting the body of the car to a place where I am happy with it and the main materials I have used so far is cardboard and glue. The way I have been making the car is to use regular cardboard to get the general shape and then pulling the cardboard apart to get construction like paper. In the following picture the regular cardboard is on the left and the paper is on the right.

Figure 1

Once I got the body to a place I was happy with I started to use the paper to create the skin of the car and start on the detailing. So far I have done the windshield and started on the lines of the side of the car as well as trying to make a hatch that opens on the top where the engine would be.

Figure 2

When I finish on the details of the car I plan on beginning to make the wheels. I  will do this by rolling the cardboard and glueing it together in a size that fits in the wheel well. I plan on painting the car with red and the wheels in black once I am finished with the body of the car.


Figure 1: Original Image

Figure 2: Orignal Image

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey Ryan! This seems really tough to get definition out of real small pieces of cardboard! I really like the aesthetic you chose to go with as it is really challenging but mimics one of the most iconic designs of all time. I am excited to see how you manage to handle the spokes in the wheels! Good luck!

    • Thank you Peter! I will say making the wheels has not been the most fun it is challenging to get the spokes and the rims overall to look as realistic as possible.

  • Hey Ryan. The outline model of the car looks really good! I’m excited to see how you improve on it and make it more defined. Also, I think it is very smart to use the full extent of cardboard by taking it apart layer by layer and using the thinner pieces. I’m wondering if you will go all the way in making the interior of the car as well or if the windows are going to be opaque.

    • Hi Sidd, the only interior that I plan on doing is the engine bay. I thought about doing the interior inside the main part of the car but it is just too small to get the parts to look right. I plan on just painting the windows black and the rest of the car red.


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