Marc Newsom – Designer I Admire

Mark Newsom, a multi-disciplinary designer, is a designer who I greatly admire. Much of his furniture design appeals to me in its minimalistic design, often utilizing smooth, flowing lines and natural shapes. Furthermore, his color palette is interesting to me. Most of the time, he seems to focus on metallic elements of design. However, Newsom often combines pops of bright or pastel colors seamlessly in his minimalistic design. It seems that bright color and minimalism are opposite, but by using pastel tones or sparse repeated design with a surplus of open space, Marc Newsom is able to create and maintain a unique aesthetic.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Jonah Chapel
    March 6, 2023 11:54 am

    I like the cover image you chose to highlight Newsom’s work. It seems like his style is very unique with the smooth lines and pastel colors. I am curious about the dot painting. Is this something he utilizes in a lot of his work?

  • Alexander Hernacki
    March 5, 2023 4:48 pm

    I appreciate the variety of elements you highlight from Newsom’s work. You mentioned he is a multidisciplinary designer, what type of works is he know for beyond furniture?

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