The vision for my project was to make a Wall E out of metal. I thought that since we were doing an upcycle project, a robot that collects trash would be a perfect piece for this project.

The Aesthetic I chose for this project was steampunk and dystopian future. These both fit into the movie Wall E as the setting is far into the future where humans have destroyed the earth and left it. I think that my design fully shows the Steampunk and Dystopian future look.

The fabrication process was quite simple. I had welded the entire piece together and sanded down some imperfections. I had not painted or done too much to it. I first started by making sketches and settled on making a box to start with the wall E shape. I then sanded down the box to give it a more shiny look. After that, I looked for things I could make the tracks out of. At first, I was thinking of using scrap metals that I found in a bin. However, It did not give the Wall-E look I was going for. I then ended up finding a steel chain that my friend had broken off his bike. I stacked two of the chains together to ensure the 3D look to my Wall E. Then I thought what could I use for the eyes? I figured that welding two bolts together would give a good representation of Wall E. When welding it to the body I made sure that I had a slight tilt up to make it look like he was looking at you.

The final product came out great. I really think it looks like a Wall-E and shows how a metal creation can still have so much character. I hit all my goals of making it entirely out of scraps and steel. It was 100% free and I spent no money on the design. It is made out of a bike chain, 1/4-inch steel plates, steel nuts and bolds. I think that I also hit my artistic goal of adding just enough detail to make it look like a wall e but not too much detail to make it overdone.

For whats next with this design is I am going to give it to my mother.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Juliette Goubeaud
    February 26, 2024 12:04 am

    This is so cute! I’m very impressed with the fact that all the materials you used were free. I was just wondering, if you were to remake this or modify it in some way, what do you think you might do differently? Maybe use differnt materials or change the size of the design?

    • Jarod Ocampo
      March 2, 2024 8:32 pm

      Hi Juliette thank you for your response! If I were to remake this I would probably think about adding more detail to the design. One thing that I was thinking about doing was painting it to look a little more like Wall E. I did like the size I made it because I could hold it in my hand but it was still heavy enough to be a paper weight. Other than that I would maybe try to have it light up or move to give it a dynamic feature.

  • Looks like Wall E! A great use of scrap metal and I agree that it fits the steampunk aesthetic. Would you consider making other characters?

    • Jarod Ocampo
      March 2, 2024 8:33 pm

      Hey Abigail thank you! I really tried for the steampunk aesthetic. One character that I considered was Squidward. I think it would be a great challenge for me to look into because of the complex geometry behind the character.


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