Bladelessfan Update 4/6


I am building a bladeless fan, similar to the Dyson fans but on a smaller scale. The whole frame will be 3D printed. The head piece will be removable and different designs will be made.


I have received all components for my project, all that is needed now is to print the frame. I have not printed the frame yet because I wanted to ensure all design aspects have been thoroughly addressed. Since this is a 3D printed project and I have limited funds I hesitant to print, redesign, and reprint as that can get very expensive. I want to ensure that the design is perfect before I move forward to print.

Shown here are some images of the components that I have ordered. You will notice that there are 3 different fans. I ordered a large fan for maximum flow, a Silent fan (same length and width as the large fan but smaller height, lower flow), and a small fan. After taking a look at the smaller fan, and powering it I decided that it won’t provide enough flow for the purposes of my design.

I have designed my structure so that it can house the large fan, and since the hole dimensions are the same for the silent fan I can easily swap them out.

Here is an example of how I can make the different head pieces. Since I won’t have much funds I am only going to print these two designs just to prove that the technology works with other shapes. Notice the ramps on the bottom of the head piece. This feature will allow me to slide the headpiece in and lock it on the body while creating a seal for leaks.

Here is the middle structure for the body. This piece will house the fan as shown on the left. There are rings built into the side of the wall for wires, this keeps the wires out of the way of flow and hides it behind the solid wall for aesthetic purposes.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • It’s great to see the inside of you design. It isn’t 100% clear how you will be sealing the bottom. Will it be glued? snap fit? twist on? Will there also be room for the battery? I really like the simple look. It’s elegant and modern.

  • Derek Sikora
    April 10, 2016 7:49 pm

    Seems like you have made some great progress. The renderings of the 2 fan designs look great. Are you going to one of the Luzbots to 3D print? I have used those machines a ton this past year and noticed some issues when using them:
    -The final print will be very rough, I recommend giving the piece an acid bath to smoothen the surface
    -All of your extrusions will expand 0.03″. doesnt sound like a lot but it may impact your design
    -They have issues with long and tall prints, may come out crooked
    Best of luck on the rest of your project!

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