Next, I would like to add numbers to the opposite side of the tokens. I want to recut a few of the tokens so they don’t brush up against one another. Lastly, I want  to re-glue down the cork with wood glue to remove the air pockets.

My project looks like my original intent besides the crooked tokens and the the split wood from some of the screws. Overall I am happy with the aesthetic because it looks old and used.

My aesthetic was a rustic, burnt, “I smoke cigars” type of look and I believe I achieved this with the burnt and mid to dark color wood. The crown on the back and the domino rastering also contributes to this aesthetic.

I learned a lot of sketching techniques in the class and how to prototype my designs better. For the project it would have been a better idea to use a jig to cut the tokens and next time I will do that, instead of trying to eyeball it.

I think I might rebuild the project with all steel in the machine shop for a new type of aesthetic and rigidity.

As I spoke about above I should have used a jig to drill the holes in the tokens, also I would have liked more space between the tokens, so I would make the overall box bigger and either put larger washers between or have the tokens sit in pockets.

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