Let’s talk about what a whirlwind of a project this has been. Last summer I had brain surgery and since COVID, I have been one of those people that can’t leave the house–I even have to get other people to go grocery shopping for me! So I had this whole plan for the project to send my roommate out to gather supplies and tools and I would attempt to complete something on the balcony of my apartment. (A bad idea to start with but hey, it was worth a shot!). Turns out you aren’t supposed to use power tools on an apartment complex balcony and I got security called on me…so that had to end.

And then the plant nursery closed…which is a rather important part of creating a succulent mirror. So then I was thinking to myself, “there HAS to be a way to salvage this. I want to create something that will like great next to all the other talented people in this class.”  

Then it realized that I have Autodesk, I know limited amounts about autocad, but I could try, and I know illustrator. I decided to make a super basic autocad render and then compile a bullet journal-esque data base of all the plants I wanted to put in there. I researched how much sun the plants needed, how much water, how much darkness, etc, and wrote it all in a cute little digital “journal”.


I love the look of bullet journals and also free-flowing designs. So I wanted to harness that into a creation of my own. I wanted to have very natural shapes that felt organic as I felt that fit with the idea of plants.


I wish I was better skilled with Autocad. I watched so many tutorials and it just didn’t manifest the way I wanted it to. I also wasn’t sure how to add in the plants with the rendering so those are left out for now.

However, I am super happy with my journal! I learned so much about plants and it got me excited to find these plants in the real world (once that is a thing again haha). Each of the succulents has a special name and I had such a blast creating a SucculentData journal about them. (Click the link to view the whole thing!)

I hand drew every thing in the document and I want to draw attention to the succulents at the top of the plant pages. Not for any reason in particular except that they are cute and should be appreciated. 🙂


1 Comment. Leave new

  • miles radakovitz
    April 30, 2020 11:05 am

    Hi bella,
    First off I really like the concept I love incorporating nature and natural things into physical artifacts that live in my space. It is also a shame that you were not able to make an actual mirror like this, but I do like the fact that you were able to find a compromise and make more or less all of the plans that would be necessary to create this object on autocad. When all this over do you still plan on making the physical artifact? if you plan on using live succulents have you though about placement and how growing out of a wall might affect the health of the plants.


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