This image from (Toa Heftiba) demonstrates the general idea of the cottagecore aesthetic. We can see that the essence of the cottagecore aesthetic is the embracing of traditional rustic lifestyle practices.

(꒰ @ijupiiterx ꒱‧₊˚ from Pinterest)

The image above, pulled from Pinterest (Niamh Heyden), shows how nature plays a strong role in the design and overall appearance of the cottagecore aesthetic. Notice the simple design of the bridge as well. This is not to say that cottagecore designs are strictly utilitarian but is to say that each design aspect serves a purpose.

(Pascale Gueret)

This image highlights the humble nature of the cottagecore aesthetic. This house, which I believe to be a strong example of cottagecore, is incredibly simple and humble. I find beauty in that. Note the architecture, perhaps the thatched roof, and wood frame accompanied with the mossy front yard contribute to its understated appearance.

(Clive Nichols)

Here is an example of a cottagecore house that exists without so much nature in the front of it to distract from the design of the house. We see the shard contrast in colors from the brown wood frame to the white of the walls. This building also features a thatched roof. I believe this is because cottage core stems from a time when thatched roofing was common, so its easy to associate that roofing with this aesthetic.

This image above, pulled from from the home listing, depicts how nature and architecture can work together to make this aesthetic especially pleasing. Note the earthy tones used in the design of the house, and how they complement the flowers that are growing up the side of the house. 

This final image, pulled from the Wallpaper cave (Johnathan Andrew) demonstrates how much nature can evoke different emotions when in the context of the cottagecore aesthetic. We see here how the clouds provide a bit of an ominous background, while the cottage closer to the foreground allows for the viewer to still feel a sense of comfort while still in awe of the force that is mother nature.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Ben, I really like this post talking about cottagecore. I find it really cool when buildings start to feel overwhelmed by nature like in the first image with the vines crawling up the wall. It softens the rock or other building material and makes the home more appealing. I also really like the way cottagecore uses materials like wood to connect itself with the often green, plant filled surroundings. What aspects of cottagecore do you enjoy the most?

  • Hi Ben, I am a big fan of cottagecore. Your insight on the aesthetic was a fun read. A lot of cottage core that I am familiar with originates in Switzerland. I also feel like fairytale and fantasy aesthetics corelate with cottagecore. Did you delve into cottagecore in media such as movies or shows? I have distant memories of maybe a animated movie where cottagecore is very prevalent.

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