The culture of punk (specifically hardcore punk and pop punk) has a special meaning in my life, as it is the first genre of music that I truly resonated with. Punk is characterized as more than just a visual aesthetic, but also a philosophy and way of life. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of punk, but it is widely believed that it came directly after the hippie movement in the 1970s. Like those that were a part of the hippie movement, many that were taking part during punk’s inception preached anti-establishment ideals and lived with a vibe of non-conformism. The main things that separated the two were the groups of people that took part and their associated feelings toward the “system”. Most people that were the driving force in the hippie movement were from upper middle class families and were tired of conforming to the “system”, but those that resonated with the punk philosophy were mostly working class people who were angry at the “system” for not only being the source of their problems, but the true problem itself. It is because of this that punk became associated with anarchy and tearing down the establishment. It became an act of rebellion for those who associate with the movement.
The main proponents of the punk scene were, unsurprisingly, punk bands and their fans, with the big players emerging throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Bands such as the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, and the Clash were at the forefront of punk in the mid 70s leading to a major cultural phenomenon. This is when a good portion of the punk aesthetic was born. Those representing the subculture wore specific clothing and styles that highlighted the rebellious youth. This included spiky/crazy hair styles/colors, deliberately offensive t-shirts, spiked or studded jewelry, and leather jackets among other things. Basically, anything that society deemed inappropriate or non-conventionally beautiful was actively sought out in the punk scene.
The venues most associated with the punk scene also fit into this rebellious vibe and were places that a “normal person” would avoid entering out of fear or due to seeing the place as dirty and broken down. With this in mind, the punk scene found themselves in ratty dive bars and nightclubs. One of the most notable of these venues is CBGB in New York City, which found itself host to numerous huge names from the rock and punk rock scene including the Ramones, Blondie, the Beastie Boys, and Guns n Roses. CBGB is considered the birthplace of American punk rock.
In the 80s and 90s, punk spawned many subgenres that each had a slightly different sound and aesthetic associated with them, but the air of rebellion and anti-establishment remained present in them all. Some of these subgenres include hardcore punk, pop punk and post-punk, the latter being credited with laying the foundation for the goth movement/aesthetic. Punk has also been closely intertwined with the skateboarding and metal subcultures. Though they ended up going down a different path, both subcultures grew alongside punk, and you can see they share the same roots given they all encapsulate a non-conformist, anti-establishment vibe. They all fall under the same wider umbrella embracing the idea of “sticking it to the man” and the rebellious aesthetic that comes with it.
Post-punk band the Cure (left) and hardcore/pop-punk band NOFX (right)
Works Cited:
- General Info and History:
- Green Day Image
- Taken by Ken Schels
- Taken by Ken Schels
- The Ramones Image:
- Taken by Roberta Bayley for the album cover of the Ramones’ first studio album
- Taken by Roberta Bayley for the album cover of the Ramones’ first studio album
- Punk Aesthetic Image:
- Owned by Vintage Clothing Guides
- Owned by Vintage Clothing Guides
- CBGB Images:
- Taken by Jack Vartoogian
- Copyrighted by CBGB
- Taken by Jack Vartoogian
- The Cure Image:
- Taken by Vinnie Zuffante and is a part of the Michael Ochs Archive
- Taken by Vinnie Zuffante and is a part of the Michael Ochs Archive
- NOFX Image:
- Taken by Jonathan Weiner for Fat Wreck Chords
- Taken by Jonathan Weiner for Fat Wreck Chords
2 Comments. Leave new
Exactly. They may have been a tiny bit when they first were out but now they are angry libtards.