Through my research of Studio Ghibli, I really enjoyed the overall colors, animations, and aesthetic of ghiblicore. I have an artistic vision and approach to this aesthetic and I want to utilize as much of my ideas for this upcycling project.

I plan for my upcycling project to be upcycling a lamp shade. I have a hanging light that I haven’t used, but I want to try and find a lampshade to upcycle and make into something cool and interesting!

Here are some of the inspiration pictures I found:

Figure 1: Flower Lamp                                                    Figure 2: Bead Lamp 1

Figure 3: Bead Lamp 2                                                  Figure 4: Bead Lamp 3

Figure 5: Life of Arrietty

I was inspired by this picture from the movie, “Life of Arrietty” (Figure 5). The aesthetic of this room is very nature-forward. The colors, elements, and details draw inspiration from nature and the lighting subtly adds character to the whole room. I want to take that idea and put it into a lamp.

To find my materials, I plan to go to the thrift store to get a lamp shade and possibly some beads and/or other materials to incorporate into my lamp.



Figure 1:, via Pinterest

Figure 2: Paty,, via Pinterest

Figure 3: Lyon,, via Pinterest

Figure 4: Etsy,, via Pinterest

Figure 5: WordPress,

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Not only am I a fan of Ghiblicore, but I am also a fan of lighting to influence the feeling of a space. Your focus on nature-forward design reminds me of the Floraform Chandelier by Nervous System that was hanging at last year’s Biophilia exhibit in Denver, where the lamp shades cast shadows of realistic leaf prints all around the room. Are you planning to focus more on the lamp shade design or the casting of light to channel your aesthetic – or both? Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing the end result of your project!

  • This is going to turn out to be so cool. I am wondering what kind of beads will you use? It would be interesting to see different kinds of beads or crystals that can react with the light and possibly produce a rainbow spectrum. Hopefully you can thrift some beads, because I have tried to buy them at thrift stores, and they are so expensive. Since you are going for a nature forward lamp shade it would fit the aesthetic to put some plants by the lap or even wrapping up the lamp post.

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Upcycling Project – Gothic Naturalism