For my Upcycling project I was inspired to create a better way to display my old license plates that I’ve collected from some of my old cars. Up until now I’ve only ever just plastered the plates up onto my wall using wall putty, and while I like how that looks, I think that creating a wooden frame to properly display and show focus on the plates would make a much nicer decoration similar to the featured image or the photo below (1). It was tough initially thinking of an idea of something to create out of what we would normally consider trash, but when I was looking around my room I remembered I have something that I display that most people wouldn’t think twice about keeping around, let alone framing and displaying.

Display Frame for 3 License Plates Empty Wood Frame Gift Home Decor Man Cave Garage for Vintage Collectible License Tags - Etsy

The aesthetic that I’m trying to achieve with this project is rustic Americana. The license plates I have to work with are all either Colorado, Arizona, or California (2), all three of which have a classic design that is recognizable from a distance. With those three states, I hope I can emulate a sort of classic American vibe thats almost reminiscent of something you might find in a classic vintage diner. I would also like wood that surrounds the plates to make it seem rustic and hand made while still looking nice and having a nice finish. I want to achieve a sort of cabin or barn wood type feel that invokes natural tones without being the standard wood that you think of right away. I’m choosing this aesthetic because I love rustic wooden decorations that make a house feel warm and lived in, and I’ve always loved the designs of license plates that reference the state their from and evoke a sense of pride in being from there.

My initial idea for the frame design is to mount the license plates in a staggered brick like pattern onto a large wooden board using nails/screws/glue. Then, using wood that I’ve shaped to form around the license plates, I want frame each side of the board together to make a mounted display that hangs on my wall. I’ll have to attach a wire or mounting element to the frame, anything that attaches to a hook and doesn’t push the frame too far off the wall will work.

I recently visited Resource Central to try and find the materials I would need to mount my license plates together. There was a good selection of different pieces of wood I might need for the back piece of the frame and they were all very cheap. I ended up choosing a large piece of plywood and also found mounting hooks and a handful of nails for extremely cheap, which will be useful for hanging the completed project on the wall and joining the license plates to the board respectively. For the frame of the project that surrounds the plates I want to try and source wood from either the ITLL or the Idea Forge since that wood is freely available, but I may have to go back to Resource Central or another location if I can’t match the rustic barn wood aesthetic that I’m trying to emulate, similar to the frame below (3).

5x7 Custom Reclaimed Wood Picture Frame Custom Barn Wood Frame Custom Barnwood Frame Beveled Edge Frame Rustic Picture Frame - Etsy

(Featured Image) Shauna –

(1) AlyssasWoodshop –

(3) PiccadillyPrairie –×7-custom-reclaimed-wood-picture-frame

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Daniel Carranza Valenzuela
    February 2, 2025 8:23 pm

    Hello Max,
    I think your post does a great job of explaining the personal connection to your project. One thing you might want to consider is the staining and finishing you could add to the frame to better fit the aesthetic, since the wood available at those locations on campus may not be exactly what you’re looking for. However, there is always the possibility that it is precisely what is needed. Anyway, I’m excited to see how your project evolves moving forward.

    • Staining the wood is a great idea and something I’ll definitely take into consideration for my project, the wood on campus has a lot of different selections but thats a great way of making my frame look uniform.

  • Taylor Wittwer
    January 31, 2025 8:57 am

    This is a great idea! I like how you are creating something personal to you that you can keep forever. I am interested to see how you end up creating a frame with the license plates in the staggered brick pattern, you could use screws (as seen in your first image) to mount the plates into the frame? I am looking forward to seeing the final result!

    • Making something permanent that I can keep and always use to decorate wherever I live was a very important goal for this project. I do plan on using screws to mount the plates to the board, as well as to mount the wooden frame around the plates, hopefully the final result will turn out well.

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