For my upcycling project, I have decided to make a frame for a poster I currently have. My goal is to use minimalism as my aesthetic. I chose this aesthetic because the poster is a detailed shot of Folsom Field during a football game, so I didn’t want to detract from that. The poster is a very odd size and it has been impossible to find a frame that will fit it.

I have created a sketch of my design so far, and I have also taken measurements of the poster itself. This is shown below.

My goal is to create a 1 inch thick frame, likely using cardboard as the backing. I want to have some kind of accent line running through the middle of the frame on all sides. I haven’t yet decided whether that will be in the form of a different type of wood or just paint. I want it to match the poster, so that will likely drive my decision.

Sadia Wood Picture Frame

I want it to look something like this, minus all of the ornate details.

While I have not yet procured any wood for my project, I do have a plan. I know that the Wood Shop in the ITLL often has a large supply of spare pieces of wood left over from other students’ projects. So, I am going to go in there and take inventory of what they have and what I can use. I also might check out the wood shop in the Idea Forge if I can’t find anything good. I’m also hoping that I will find some hardware to use for this project. If not, I will just get some online.

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