Cyberpunk Aesthetic Exploration

Altered Carbon Bay City

The Cyberpunk aesthetic is one of the most iconic and visually enduring in popular culture. Characterized by vibrant neon lights, urban decay, and the powerful interplay between advanced technology and societal downfall. This aesthetic presents a scenario that is both fascinating and concerningly plausible. It is a dystopian future where humans are deeply intertwined with machines, corporate greed, and rebellion.

The term cyberpunk was coined in the early 1980s but the aesthetic originated in the 60s and 70s from popular scientific literature works of Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, and Neal Stephenson. Films like Blade Runner and The Matrix influenced this aesthetic in the context of large dystopian cities run by mega-corporations. Blade Runner (1982) had a huge influence on the aesthetic and provided astonishing visuals that shaped the public view of the aesthetic.

Blade Runner (1982) Promotional Poster

Recently the aesthetic has had a huge impact on film, video games, and fashion. Films like Blade Runner 2049, the Matrix Franchise, Ready Player One, and TV shows like Altered Carbon display great visual examples of this aesthetic as they show the visual elements in immense detail. They also show the cultural and societal elements of this aesthetic with a convincing narrative.

Blade Runner 2049 Taken from
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Taken from

For me, the most prominent depiction of the cyberpunk aesthetic in recent times is the game Cyberpunk 2077. This game embodies the Cyberpunk genre to the fullest. It is set in a futuristic city called Night City. This city features all the key elements of the genera. Its environment is filled with vibrant neon lights, towering skyscrapers, mega-corporations running the place, and technological advancements through bodily cybernetic enhancements.

Cyberpunk Concept Art

Cyberpunk 2077 does not only showcase the astonishing visuals of this aesthetic but also embodies the moral and ethical dilemmas brought forward in the early novels of the genre the began this aesthetic. The plot is driven by the consequences of having a society driven by corporate interest and greed and leans into the advanced society’s low quality of life.



2 Comments. Leave new

  • I thought you did a very good job explaining some insight on the cyberpunk aesthetic. I liked how you included the futuristic aspect of this genre, which I think it encompasses very well. I think the greediness that you talked about really does a good job of why this is considered an aesthetic. I would love to have seen some more well-known movies / shows that you think are included under this aesthetic. Great work.

  • Ariana Ramirez
    January 26, 2025 3:35 pm

    I have alwasy found the cyberpunk genre facinating. I like how you not only described it visually but included the political and situational background which makes this genre eerie. specifically the part where technology is so advanced but the quality of life somehow deteriorated.
    One critique is that I would have liked to see some comparisons between how the genre is portrayed differently from other creators.

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