Above is the damaged tiki torch that I have opted to upcycle for this project. As you can I have already removed the fire aspect of the torch, leaving the frame, which is what I am more interested in upcycling.
I still need to decide how I will add the lighting aspect to this lamp. If I opt for a battery-operated lighting system, I may try and go further into upcycling and reuse an empty glass bottle as the base for the light base. This may be cool as the lighting aspect could interact well with the glass, but I still want to consider the option of making the lamp operate off of a standard 120 V wall outlet.
If I do opt to make the lamp wall powered, I may try and source a used lamp base, much like the one pictured above. As you can see, I have made progress in my upcycling project, I just have a couple design decisions to make before I move forward with anymore manufacturing.
1: Benjamin Haley
2:Patrick Heusser, www.x8ing.com