Upcycle Progress: “Ski Bum” Hat

My project is to make a four point hat which reflects the “Ski Bum” culture. These hats are typically made out of soft materials so I am choosing to work with fleece. I went to the thrift store these weekend and found three different patterns (as shown above). They were all in the blanket/sheet section and were probably from someone else’s old project. I think each of these patterns is reflective of the bright colors and fun patterns found throughout the “Ski Bum” culture.

I have started to also develop my plan for sewing, shown below. This is for the main design I will be making, but if time permits and if I have enough material I will be trying to make the more traditional design for the hat. This design can be seen in my post before this.


The main concerns with the sewing process are to ensure I leave enough material and measure correctly so that it can actually fit onto someone’s head once I am done. I am also going to make sure the width of the first cut it long enough to be able to fold up a reasonable amount, and because it folds up I don’t want it to be too tight on the head. I am hoping to make at least two from each fabric so I can also give them out to spread the “ski bum” culture.

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