Upcycle Project Progress – Soda Can Planters

For my upcycle project I decided to make small planters out of empty soda cans. These planters will be designed with the earthcore/granola aesthetic in mind you can read my previous post if you want to see more detail on that specific aesthetic.

Currently I am in the material collection stage of my project. I have a few empty root beer, dr. pepper and yerba matte cans that will be used as the base pots for my plants. One nice feature is that the soda cans are a standard size but the yerba matte can is larger so I will be able to have different sized planters.

Current empty can collection, more cans to come.


Secondly I got an old set of acrylic paints from my roommate which I plan to use to decorate the cans and give them more life as well as more of an earth core aesthetic feel. I also will be given some old succulents and cacti from a friend who is looking to give these plants a new home. This was exciting for me to hear because it means I will not have to buy anything new to complete this project making it 100% upcycled. I also decided I will be poking holes in the base of the cans so water can properly flow through the can preventing the plants from getting root rot. As mentioned in my previous post I do not have the best history of keeping plants alive so I want to make sure I give them the best chance from the start.

Acrylic Paints I will be using

I have been looking at books and online for some inspiration for what to paint on the cans. I do not have an idea in mind yet so feel free to comment some suggestions. Some things I saw that did spark my interest you can see in the photos below.

Another option to consider is to cut the cans into shapes like in the image shown below. I can cut the can out in a way so the planter can be hung by a hook and then paint it. My only concern with this is I’m not sure if I will have tools sharp enough to accomplish the task.

The planter above is more decoration since there isn’t much space for dirt but I could modify the design to make it more plant friendly. With that in my my overall next steps are:

  1. Wash and cut the tops off of the cans using a can opener
  2. Poke holes in the bottom of the cans
  3. Finalize what I want to paint on the cans
  4. Possibly print out some stencils to help me paint the cans (I’m not the best painter)
  5. Paint the Cans
  6. Rehome the plants into the cans
  7. water an observe how the plants adjust to their new home.

I hope to complete all these steps in in the coming weeks and I’m excited to see how everything turns out. Overall I think I’m in a good spot progress wise and I look forward to everything coming together.






5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plentymercantile.com%2Flucky-plant-cultivation-kit.html&psig=AOvVaw0nCfKiR9q7p8Yb6rhN1iJ9&ust=1738730016889000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCPDg9Z6YqYsDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAj



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Anthony Papaianache
    February 4, 2025 6:54 pm

    Great post, reminds me of my grandma telling me to keep styrofoam cups from fast food places for her to decorate and utilize for plants. I was thinking to possibly make it “see through” with a cut in the can, would a plastic cup/lining inside the can to keep dirt and everything inside but also be see through? Nice work.

  • Matthew Cumpton
    February 4, 2025 1:25 pm

    HI Mila! This is awesome, I love the idea of integrating used cans into planers. The idea to paint it makes it even better as you can customize towards the aesthetic of your choice. Regarding a question, how do you plan to cut the can without it crushing in on itself?

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