Matthew Holleb : Modern Light Fixture

This project has allowed me to explore my creative expertise and realize many of the issues and problems commonly found when designing and manufacturing an artifact (or in my case a light fixture). When this project started, I really drove to create a light similar in aesthetic and quality to those that come out of…

Main Project Aesthetic : Matt Holleb

For my main project, I have decided to progress with a modern lighting fixture that resembles an aesthetic from LukelampCo. They do a really beautiful job at designing light fixtures that appear sleek and clean to the eye. Although when you approach and see the detail you can notice the texture and the way the…

Main Project Plans : Modern Light Fixture

For my main project, I plan to create a lighting stand with modern influences and characteristics. I found inspiration online through different lighting fixtures and would ideally like to recreate one of the designs below. I believe these designs all encompass modern characteristics like sleek and clean surfaces and metal materials. As this project and…

Aesthetics Exploration – De Stijl

The De Stijl movement was founded in 1917 and is known for having major contributions to the artistic and architectural world. Considering that the De Stijl aesthetic began towards the end of the Expressionism era, which was known for its unusual massings, distorted forms, and natural influences, there is no doubt that the primary “fathers”…