Matthew Holleb : Top Specifications and Constraints for my final project

For my final aesthetic project, I will be designing and constructing a modern light fixture that closely resembles that of a LukeLampCo luminaire. For my project to be considered a success, it will need to find its way into the corner where a recently broken floor lamp resides. The lamp that was already in my living room provided a great amount of ambient lighting for the main living spaces in my apartment. At the bare minimum, I need to make this luminaire functional so that I can once again have sufficient lighting within my home. Besides simply working though, I would ideally like this light to take on a clean, modern, and relaxing aesthetic. I am going to prioritize attention to detail, especially in the materiality of the luminaire. The base in addition to the upright stand elements should be constructed out of a smooth, clean metal material. This would not only convey a modern look but also help support the light’s weight. Though besides the metal elements, the pliable rope that the light transmits through has a woven texture that really conveys a calm soothing feel in addition to emitting a warm-hued glow.

While these elements and factors would make my design a success if they are fulfilled, there are some small constraints that I think I may run into at some point that will cause slight issues. For example, I think that the process of buying all the piping, LEDs, and other materials will unfortunately take multiple trips to the store. As much as you can plan out everything you need, there almost always seems to be something new that is needed. This in addition to tolerance values I think will be my biggest issue. I am somewhat worried that while factory measurements can be the same (1″ diameter pipe and 1″ diameter rope) the tolerance values change greatly due to transportation, warping, etc. So I will be slightly worried about everything fitting securely together until it’s finished, though my hope is that I will be able to get around the tolerance issues with adhesives and attachment pieces. One other main constraint that I am worried about is the craftsmanship. For me to consider this project a success it needs to fit into the clean and modern aesthetic. If everything does not line up perfectly or look sleek and properly put together then I would definitely consider there to be an issue with the project. I do not think it will come to this though, as I am trying to properly plan out every step of my design process.



3 Comments. Leave new

  • Shrey Naresh Solanki
    April 12, 2023 4:03 pm

    The goal of creating a visually appealing and functioning luminaire is admirable. The careful planning and use of smooth, clean metal components and a supple, woven rope to generate a pleasant, calming glow. I am excited to see the end result.

  • Hey Matt, I think this is an awesome idea and an interesting way to provide light into any space. I think you have thought out your design pretty well but some questions I have are how long you want the rope/light to be? Also, will it be free-roaming to be tethered around the room or more of a wrap around a fixture to provide light from a single area? Very much looking forward to how this works out!

  • I really like the look of what you are going for here, I think it will turn out really cool. How are you planning on getting the LEDs inside the braided rope? Is there a good procedure to do that quickly? It seems like it would be pretty tedious but I bet it will turn out great. Awesome job!

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