Upcycle Project Aesthetic : Contemporary Architecture Model

For my Upcycle Project, I will be looking at modern and contemporary architectural aesthetics to design a model out of cardboard, chipboard, bubble wrap, and various other recycled materials. As an architect major, my mind is always spiraling with different ways to design and create residential buildings or houses. With the ability to design nearly anything for this upcycle project, my fascination for contemporary homes has become ever so apparent.

While I have had some experience designing residential models in the past, not one has been a single-family home that follows the contemporary architectural aesthetic. I believe that with the use of recycled materials and characteristics that follow the contemporary style, I will be able to build a small-scale architectural model for my Upcycling Project. Designing a residential structure and or model from scratch is truly one of the best ways to understand an aesthetic, so this project will not only allow me to explore this style but express it in a way I believe is beautiful and unique.

While the timeline to complete our upcycle projects is only 2 weeks, I believe this is enough time to progress my model to a far enough extent. Normally the design process can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks due to preliminary findings and other crucial information. Thankfully though, with the inspiration to design my own building/house from scratch, I believe the timeframe for completion shouldn’t be an issue.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Anil Antony Karathra
    February 13, 2023 8:27 pm

    Hey Matt, I personally love scale models of buildings and I’d love to see the end result of your project. I’m curious to know which building you are planning to model.

  • Hi Matt, this is an interesting project idea. I have always been interested in the scale models made in architectural classes and was considering this exact idea for my project. I decided against it due to the time limit of 2 weeks feeling like not enough time for a unique model design. Do you consider this timeline a challenge or is this a similar time frame to which you are used to working in for your architecture classes?

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Upcycle Aesthetic – Desk Toy