Matthew Holleb : Modern Light Fixture

This project has allowed me to explore my creative expertise and realize many of the issues and problems commonly found when designing and manufacturing an artifact (or in my case a light fixture). When this project started, I really drove to create a light similar in aesthetic and quality to those that come out of Luke Lamp Co. Ever since I stumbled upon their website/studio I was intrigued at the way they can create light fixtures in a new and unique way. While they have a variety of fixture types from pendants to sconces etc… all of their designs use a unique diffused LED strip that has a textured woven braid wrapped around. This allows for a seamlessly textured light rope to wrap or bend in any desired direction.

Because I was using Luke Lamp Co as my inspiration, I really intended for my design to look and function as theirs does. This would mean that all hardware would be sleek and clean (modern) and would seamlessly transition into the other parts and pieces. I also really wanted this light to be interactable and moveable. While a lot of the professionally designed light fixtures are pendants and ceiling mounted, they have some that are desk and floor lamps as well. These where were I really started to develop my design and choose a way for the light to look.

At this point, I started sketching and designing different variations of flexible lamps that I could make. While there was a floor lamp as well as a desk lamp in my original sketch, I really wanted to move forward with the floor lamp solution. This design would essentially require me to connect some sort of pole for the structure to a base plate. Ideally, these would be polished/sleek metal material. After the main structure of the fixture is assembled, I would then take an acquired diffused LED strip and wrap it in some kind of mesh material to give it a rope-like appearance. This flexible light strip would then be inserted on one end into the top of the metal tube while the other end would be free and thus could be moved around and changed depending on what the user wants.

While this was my initial design and I did order all of the parts and pieces for this design to be manufactured, There were unfortunately more issues and problems that I encountered than I would’ve liked. For starters the final aesthetic I reached, I would consider more of a DIY kind of look. It is not bad necessarily although when starting this project I really wanted the craftsmanship and work ethic to be resembled properly in my build and I sadly don’t think it does quite that. I really did want this piece to resemble more of a modern aesthetic although I do think that with this new understanding of the build process and materials, I could definitely progress this down my intended aesthetic path a bit smoother. Though I will say that I am definitely happy that I continued and persevered through the challenged and did end up with a final artifact to present.

Image Link (All images are from Luke Lamo Co’s Website)



1 Comment. Leave new

  • Shrey Naresh Solanki
    May 10, 2023 3:40 am

    I applaud your dedication to developing your creative skills and conquering the hurdles of designing and producing a light fixture. Even if the finished result did not completely fit your desired style, it has turned out great.

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