Final Stretch: Bed Stand

Hello readers, I have fallen behind on my final project but for what its worth I did really well on my midterms last week. The thing is I sacrificed working on this project to study for some applied math classes. Any how, I have purchased the wood for my bed stand. That’s all I’ve done.…

Design Review: Pizza Bed Stand

For my final project I intend to make a bed stand. But this won’t be your ordinary run of the mill bed stand. No, this bed stand will be custom made to fit in my weird bed room that has no 90 degree corners. As a result the bed stand will be shaped like a…

Top Five Constraints: Bed Stand

There are a few constraints that will limit but also drive my final project. The first constraint is the aesthetic of my triangle furniture. I want the furniture have a sort of cartoony but food focused aesthetics. The main theme will be pizza – the furniture will be painted accordingly. The legs for the furniture…

Main Project Inspirations

Although I have not yet decided on a main project, I do have a few ideas that stem from the source of inspiration. All of my ideas for my main project function as organizational items. I guess this is the case because I want to build something that is artsy and aesthetically pleasing, unique, and…

Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

As an engineering student I have the same general technical skills that most students do – where I separate myself from the pack is in outdoor skills. I am an accomplished skier – I raced in high school but transitioned into skiing park. Beyond skiing I enjoy riding dirtbikes; currently I ride a WR 250…

Aesthetic Exploration: The Jersey Shore

Jersey Shore, Oceanview Boardwalk The New Jersey coastline is 130 miles long. The coast line features beautiful lighthouses, boardwalks, and oceanic life; however, when one thinks of the Jersey shore, they don’t think about the 130 miles [1] where the state meets the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, the Jersey shore has a much more urban and…