Construction Timeline: Pizza Bed Stand

Alrighty folks, looks like we’re on the home stretch for this project as we move out of ideation and into the final creation of the project.

In order to make sure I can finish the bed stand on time I have come up with a simple time line shown below.


As you can see I plan to have all of the wood for the bed stand purchased and cut this weekend. Next week I will paint the wood and implement my aesthetic. It’s gonna be great. After that I will have a whole week to assemble the final product.

Keep your eyes peeled fam, this bed stand is gonna make waves.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Matthew Clark
    May 10, 2017 4:57 pm

    It looks like you have a good idea for how you are putting this piece of art together. How will you be obtaining your materials and is that factored in to the time to cut these materials?

  • Ridhvik Gopal
    April 9, 2017 5:24 pm

    Great work! Your project requires a lot of woodworking skills and you are on top of it. I really like your idea as you are focused on the aesthetic as much as the functionality.

  • Ryan Daniel
    April 5, 2017 9:54 pm

    Wicked timeline, nice colors and the hand drawn letters could have fooled me for the New York Times font. Looks like you have a solid plan and are on your way to slice up the final product.

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bed, line, pizza, stand, Time, timeline
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