Dynamic LED iPhone and Apple Watch Charging Dock


Figure 1: Dynamic LED iPhone and Apple Watch Charging Dock

Brief description:

This is a wood-made iPhone and Apple Watch charging dock that I built for myself. It charges both devices at the same time with a running LED that indicates how far you are until your iPhone is fully charged.

Presentation video Link:



  1. Week 6 “Shen’s Aspirations”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-JM
  2. Week 7 “Main Project Inspirations”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-Ph
  3. Week 8″Mirrorless Rear View Mirror System Design Review”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-YF
  4. Week 9 “Shen’s Top 5 Constraints”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-13k
  5. Week 10 “Project Update 3/28”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1aW
  6. Week 12″20th Century Design Movement & Update”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1in
  7. Week 13 “Update 4/6”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1qX
  8. Week 14 “Progress Update”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1AM
  9. Week 15 “Final Report I”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1Yq
  10. Week 16 “Final Report II”: http://wp.me/p74uWv-1YD