Aesthetics of the Log Cabin

The log cabin aesthetic brings a certain type of homey-ness to a structure. Its a fairly engrained imagine in our heads at this point: the minimalist but cozy interior, dim lighting, warm atmosphere.

It’d be hard to date the origin of this aesthetic, but it is an old one. Back in the day (way back), these were how forrest homes were made; cut down some trees and put them together for shelter. There wasn’t even electricity until recently, so these were consequently dimly lit. There was almost always a fireplace as well, although much more from necessity, serving as the source of heat (both for comfort and cooking) in the building. This look may fall into the category of “classic” or “nostalgic”, because although it originated as a necessity many of these features are no longer necessary (ovens, internal heating, electricity, etc.). Today, these all carry with them a feeling of removedness from society, somewhat of an escape back to the simpler times.

As mountain cabins have become a pricier commodity, this aesthetic has taken an off ramp to much higher end cabins. Even when made hugely lavish and impressive, often these mountain homes retain some aspect of this aesthetic, though in my opinion much of the “getting away” feeling is lost when looking at these gargantuan structures.


Even in the seemingly contradictory nature of a giant house made out of logs, something about this still seems more “cozy” than a typical home of comparable size (I put one with French architecture below just to compare).


There is still a cozier feel with the wooden style buildings. This style has been modified in different ways too, being incorporated into modern design and architecture to a similar, though in my mind lessened, effect.

These are also undeniably beautiful, and very interesting because although they obviously incorporate many aspects of modern styling, the overall theme of natural materials and dim lighting has been preserved. Things like giant windows are now possible, however, and change the feeling inside as well. These features are interesting because although they do make the room brighter and less secluded, they open the building up to nature, and in doing so preserve (even enhance) the feeling of being out in the elements, away from society. Giant windows have actually become a huge theme in today’s cabin to support the desire to see the spectacular views, “take it all in”. As getting out into nature becomes more and more of a novelty (with modern society becoming less and less natural), just seeing the outdoors has elevated importance.

Another example of this is the decor chosen in many mountain homes. They often use natural elements, whether it be nature pictures or even stuffed dead animals, trying to make the entire feeling of the room more outdoorsy.

To conclude, this log cabin aesthetic in today’s society serves as a piece of nostalgia and escape, allowing the user to remove themselves from the vices of modern society and live a simpler life.


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  • I never really thought about cabins this way. I really enjoyed the post and all the picture illustrating your post. The third picture from the top looks awesome. What I have notice is the interior wood in both cabins and in modern architecture, although back in the day it was a necessity to use wood it is know seen as luxury to have this “cabin design”. Great job on the post.

  • Gardner Nichols
    January 24, 2016 7:42 pm

    Nice post. Having grown up in a Coloradan resort town, I’m pretty familiar with the giant log cabin aesthetic. Many of those people use them as their first homes too, which is funny, almost contradictory to the “getting away” vibe .

    Although I can appreciate the “homey-ness” of the log cabin aesthetic, I personally prefer modern architecture and design. I really like living room in the the 2nd interior picture! I suppose it’s just a matter of personal taste.

  • Sreyas Krishnan
    January 23, 2016 1:44 pm

    “I’ve got a cabin up in the mountains” haha

    You’re right, that cabin aesthetic is definitely warm and cozy to me. I wonder if people who aren’t used to spending time in the wilderness would feel the same way about it though. We could be bias because we’re from Colorado. But I definitely feel it.

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