Your credit card paid for your new iPhone, now it should carry it.

For people who love to step up their game on Desk Setups, Phone and Tablet docks became a big part of this trending aesthetic. Docks are a nice way to hold your phone and/or tablet while charging, watching a movie or Facetiming (video conferencing) and allows you to easily operate and display content from your phone without holding it.

Here are a few of the most popular phone and tablet docks found on the internet:

Apple iPhone Dock displayDock1Dock2Dock3Dock4

I have a bunch of old/unused Credit and store membership cards that are sitting in my drawer doing nothing but taking space and occasionally causing a mess. Looking at them I thought I can probably use them for a charging dock for my phone and other gadgets.


Credit cards are usually associated with the reputation of bad spending habits. Americans spend more with credit cards than they make.  Irresponsible spending results in huge debts to a lot of households. In 2015 “The average household has $129,579 in debt $15,355 of it on credit cards” (Erin El Issa). So I think it will be ironic to some of these cards along with white cards.


Photo credits:–/dp/B0115BZ1BU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1453770771&sr=8-4&keywords=phone+dock


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Well I truly enjoyed studying it. This information procured by you is very useful for good planning.

  • I love the irony of using credit cards to build a phone holder. Have you given any thought with what you would want to do with the plain white cards? They could be very powerful if used correctly. Some ideas could be doodling on it, cutting a design out of it, putting stickers on it, customizing it is what comes to my mind. Maybe sign your name as the artist/creator. Put a logo on it. Cool idea, looking forward to seeing it.

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