Chainring Clock

As an avid cyclist and professional triathlete, I took the whole “upcycling” concept quite literally. I have decided to use an old chainring and turn it into a functional clock. What inspired me to do this was not only my love of bikes but I wanted to give my college coach a gift, since I will be graduating this may. Though, I have not yet assembled my project, I have come up with a plan of action.

  1. Clean the chainring: get any old grease or lubricant off of it
  2. Disassemble wall clock: remove the electrical components: motor, battery, hands
  3. Cut a piece of cardboard into a circular shape. This will be the mount for the chainring and where I will attach the clock components using E6000 glue (apparently really strong)
  4. Cut out construction paper and glue it onto the cardboard.
  5. Punch a hole through the cardboard
  6. Glue chainring to cardboard and attach clock components
  7. Decorate! I am thinking of doing a map of the city of Boulder as the background and spray painting the chainring gold so it is Buffalo colors.
    Supplies for this project include a clock, which I will disassemble
    Supplies for this project include a clock, which I will disassemble
    I plan to go with the standard 4-bolt chainring
    I plan to go with the standard 4-bolt chainring

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chainring clock, upcycling
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Design Flow Chart: Hayden Holliman, Jason McGrath, Thomas Brunsgaard