LED insects and Spiders

I wanted to create something unique for the upcycling assignment. I had a accumulated some electronic components from past classes and also from the ITLL to create what I call LED spiders shown in Figure 1. I really liked to watch and sometimes even capture fireflies because of there very interesting feature that they obtain to emit light. The idea started by trying to create a firefly made from electronic components that also lights up with an LED.  In the progress I also made spiders with small LEDs obtained from the ITLL, and solder the LED in parallel.


This are some of the spider I will be using for my project. made in the ITLL.
Figure 1; This are some of the spider I will be using for my project. made in the ITLL.

In Figure 2 you can see the almost finished spiders and firefly, also I connected two spiders to a battery to test the LEDs. The firefly is nearly complete needing the most important component the LED. Once done with the firefly I will continue the final step by creating a small habitat for the little guys.

Figure 2; This are more pictures showing the spiders and the unfinished firefly.
Figure 2; This are more pictures showing the spiders and the unfinished firefly.

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