Bottle Table Lamp

Following along with the aesthetic I touched on in my previous blog post (LINK GOES HERE), I decided to build a table lamp, using a bottle as the base. The inspiration for this design stems from a variety of different sources, some of which are pictured below.


Bottle Table Lamp (Source:

Lighted Wine BottleWine Bottle Lamp (Source:

The images below show one of the main materials I’m currently planning to use in this project: the bottle.


Bottle (Credit: Roshan Misra)

There are so many cool bottles used for alcoholic beverages, but they’re so often just thrown away or recycled. These beautiful glass sculptures are basically pieces of art used to contain liquid, so why not use them to create light instead?

I’m not completely sure how I’m going to implement the light, as there are loads of different ways to do it, but I think the aesthetic I’m going for is to create a warm and cozy atmosphere, something rustic and comfortably lit.

Previous Post
Glorious Glue Tree of Glass and Color
Next Post
From Milk Jugs to Marble Art!

4 Comments. Leave new

  • You have the right start. If you need more inspirations or tips come on over to the Bottle-Lamp website. 😉

  • Joseph Yoshimura
    January 31, 2016 3:12 pm

    After talking in class about your project, it is really cool to see some actual products like the ones that you were discussing. Have you chosen which method of lighting you plan on using yet? I particularly like the second image that you posted where it looks as though the light is somehow engraved in the bottle. I don’t know how difficult that is to do, but it is definitely my favorite.

  • This is a really interesting project. It is such a shame that we do not reuse the bottles especially in projects such as this one, One of my friends keeps nice and expensive bottles for decoration. I am looking forward to seeing your project.

  • Christopher Coffman
    January 29, 2016 12:03 pm

    I really like this idea. I actually have a lamp just like this in my room, it is an empty wine bottle with a cork that has a light at the bottom of it. You can do a variety of different designs for this project, and I will be curious to see the final product. There are so many different materials that you can fill the glass with, and some materials will reflect light very nicely.

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