To be honest I have never really had any particular aspirations regarding my a future career.  I want to do something that helps people. I know that can be broad.  I love it when people are inlove with life and feel alive.  I have been a ski instructor at a local resort for a few years and I could see myself being a ski-bum for a while, but I would probably attempt to work at a bigger resort or go up to Alaska to work for a heli-ski company.  


I love being able to create with my hands.  I want to advance those skills.  Crafting metal, wood, glass, that excites me.


As a dream job, I would want to own a club in a mountain town in the Alps somewhere in Europe.  It’s not a job that helps people, but it’s something I have thought would be really cool since middle school.


I love being in nature.  I would want my job to be outside if possible.  I think if I could work outside involving sustainable energy, that would be something I could be proud of.  


My mind is all over the place.  Jack of all trades, master of none I guess would be a way to describe myself in a phrase.
When it comes down to it, I don’t have specific hopes for the future other than doing something I enjoy and being around people I care about.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Samantha Maierhofer
    February 21, 2016 12:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing! I like how all over the place the thought are. It is great to be a well round person and to have so many interests. I think it would be awesome to own a club somewhere in the alps!

  • It was interesting reading this little aspiration/biopic about you! I would probably say that your master at skiing, coming from a Californian who can barely make it down the mountain. Nature is cool too.

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