Being an outdoorsman I like the simplistic style and ruggedness of outdoor gear and gadgets, especially when it comes to camp tools, climbing gear, off-road equipment etc. There is some feel of military grade with a splash of bright color, usually in the form of anodized metals, that screams reliability and longevity. Many of the things I own fall into this aesthetic from bike and camp equipment to household multi-tools and even backpacks and technology. My goal is to take something traditionally used in a high society setting and make it worthy of an outdoor excursion, in essence turning a Cadillac into a dune buggy, a classy dune buggy. To get an idea of the style I’m trying to attain see the images below. I plan to put this style into a tool I use daily, giving my current job a bit of outdoor gadget flair, and maybe a good icebreaker for networking as well.




High in reliability, style, functionality and precision.
