Inspirations for Main Project – Jeff

For my main project, I have been wanting to do a very intricate woodworking project for a while. I have been contemplating making a locket of a dark hardwood. The inspiration for this locket came from The Illusionist. In this movie, there is a secret pennant that the main character gives his childhood sweetheart.

In the movie, there are actually two lockets; one that twists and one that swings open. So much for magic but I guess that’s show biz for ya. Looking up this locket online, there are quite a few posts showing how to make it and even a company that makes one. However, in almost all of these, the axes of rotation are different (not like the movie). I will be attempting to make a version that is very high quality but hinges in the same places as the movie. I am hoping to end up with a product that is professional grade and looks like it could have been purchased. I also will be attempting to have a much better design on it than the “butterfly”/”smile-with-weird-eyebrows” design that the movie uses. If you have some cool ideas, feel free to comment below.

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • I think this is a very unique idea that would require a very interesting design process. Something this small would require very precise fabrication and I would be interested in seeing how you would approach it with the resources CU has to offer. I am also curious about how you plan to make it “dynamic”.

  • I think that it is very cool that you are making a prop from a movie. It is even better that you are making an object that the movie itself could not make. It would be interesting if you could show the cast a video of your working locket, just so you can say “hey that stuff was actually feasible and you could have had a real one in the movie”

  • Peter Brunsgaard
    February 26, 2016 12:44 pm

    You showed us the laser cut wood pieces in class the other day, and it looks like it’s gonna be really cool! I think it would be awesome to have either of the external faces being a lighter wood and the inner slice a dark wood. It would also be super cool to use different rare/exotic woods. Good luck!

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