Locket Constraints

  1. Personal Time
    I don’t have very limited time to work on this and having to sand individual parts will be very time consuming. I need parts that fit together but I don’t want to spend time sanding a bunch of parts that break. I will have to balance making the part good enough to work on and not spending to much time in the middle of the project sanding.
  2. Shop Time
    I will need a lot of time on a drill press. Since my personal one is in Steamboat, I will be having to do all of my jigging and drilling in a shop. I plan to use the maker space in the idea forge but I don’t know how much use this machine will see. So far this semester, it has been pretty open but I don’t know if this will remain constant.
  3. Size
    The size of this locket is supposed to be small. However, the smaller the wood working project, the harder the project is. One of the goals of this project is to keep the overall locket small and making holes in all of the parts that I will need will be very difficult.
  4. Access to materials
    I want to work with very high quality hard woods and metals. I have some ideas and sources for the wood but, I have not found sources for the chain and metal loop on the top.
  5. Money
    Probably the most universal constraint is money. I would like to try to not spend a fortune on this project. Luckily, because this project is small in nature, so I won’t have to purchase lots of material. However, there will still be some major costs and trying to get these parts (chain, and metal loop) as cheep as possible without compromising quality will be key.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Ryan Yankowsky
    March 14, 2016 11:55 am

    Have you finished a design for the rotation? The split pivot you discussed seems like a complex hinge, for a piece of that small size are you considering using metal to construct the hinge, it would offer more strength and precision than hardwood. Good luck with the construction.

  • Anfal Abdulrahman
    March 13, 2016 11:41 pm

    if time and money is not an issue everything is possible!
    the size though looks like a very challenging aspect, looking forward to your progress!

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