Update 3/30/2016 Lazy Susan Kitchen Device (LSKD)


Will determine if my project has been printed by Thursday

Will grab a bearing, designed for lazy susans, from McGuckens this week

Will grab a plastic or wood piece from McGuckens, or Greg’s shop, this week

Will buy spray paint this or next week, depends on when I get my printed part

Will spray paint next week

Will get screws next week

Will drill holes in project next week

Will assemble next week


Lazy Susan: My parents have a lazy Susan back home and I love how they feel and work. I will incorporate this by making my device have several lazy Susan mechanics integrated within it. It will hold a paper towel, spices, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and utensils.

Modern: I enjoyed seeing the modern aesthetic in class and decided to try it out. I liked how modern used blacks, whites and incorporated sharp edges. As a result I gave the top of my spice rack a sharp angle and will be painting it black and white (if the material can be spray painted).

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Jacob Mccormick
    April 3, 2016 11:45 pm

    I like your idea on how to incorporate a modern aesthetic. The render that you attached as the main picture certainly looks modern as the colors are white and black (I can’t tell if the interior of the utensil holes is just the shading or is actually black). I look forward to seeing the finished project, especially as I have never really had a lazy susan in the house at any stage of my life.

  • Alex, I wonder if you could do some sort of white labeling on the holes to designate which spices go where and which utensils go in which spots. I like things to be relatively organized so I wonder if you thought about labeling individual holes or sections of the holder. Overall, I am super curious to see how this comes out!

  • Daniel Moody
    April 3, 2016 9:41 pm

    How did the print come out? Do you have any idea on the surface finish you will get on the parts? I think your color choices will really be important for your aesthetic. I would be nice if it could match some of your utensils or spice jars. Also a little bit of bright color may a a nice pop along with the black and white.

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