Longboard design movements + march 30th update

Longboarding has been around for a about 65 years. Originally, the sport was perpetuated by surfers in California when the waves weren’t breaking. This promoted the “classic beach look” of longboards. The main directions the sport has gone since then, are transportation, freeride, downhill, cruising, and travel. Boards vary in functionality and aesthetic with each style of riding.



I am designing a classic mix between cruiser and freeriding board. The deck shape allows loose trucks so you can have really turny wheels. This can allow cruising in cities. Since I am designing it for my friend who lives in New York City, I figured that would be useful. The wheels then will also have a high AA (making them softer and have more grip). I don’t really have much to report on in my progress. 2 weeks ago I hit a tree skiing and was out of commission for a bit and so I could not physically go build. I am much better now and can get cracking on building my designs.







3 Comments. Leave new

  • Sophia have you done with the design? I would love to see, as I just got on with longboarding. Sorry for being too upfront, I just got into it and got quite carried away.

  • Ashley Zimmerer
    March 31, 2016 12:09 am

    Good to hear that you’re feeling better! The diagram of the different shapes of boards is interesting. I’ve seen many of different boards around campus, but had no idea they were for different sorts of riding. It makes sense though, kinda like skis. Are you planning on using really large and thick wheels, like those the top left girl has on her board?

  • Samantha Maierhofer
    March 30, 2016 5:35 pm

    Sophi I am sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you are doing better! As always let me and Tyler know what we can do to help. Is there a specific 21st century aesthetic you are thinking about for inspiration for the piece other than the beach look?

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