Weekly Update – Wednesday, March 30th

At this point in the project, I’ve fallen a bit behind in where I not only thought I would be by now, but also where I would have liked to have been. Based on my projected timeline for the semester, I made the projection that I would have a working prototype by the end of spring break, and then I would be able to test and make adjustments to my design during the month of April leading up to expo.

I have spec’d nearly all my parts for the project, but I’ve been having difficulty with spec’ing the motor which I think will be adequate for my project’s requirements. I reached out to my own tattoo artist for his opinion on what voltage he thought I should be applying to the motor, and he recommended using a compatible 9V DC motor and a 9V battery. This came as no surprise, as I was already planning to use a 9V battery to supply the voltage for my project, but my tattoo artist’s insight didn’t do much in the way of exactly what type of DC motor I should be pursuing.

More updates to come in the future as I wade into the waters of doubt and uncertainty within my design.